Roasted Culinary Lavender Buds

One of my favorite ways to enjoy culinary lavender is by roasting the buds. Roasting transforms the flavor of lavender buds from a delicate floral to a unique nuttiness that pairs splendidly with root vegetables in the Fall.

To roast culinary lavender buds, heat a cast iron pan on medium high heat. Drop a few tablespoons or up to a cup of buds on the hot pan. Stirring constantly, roast the buds for 1 minute or until they are evenly roasted. Take the pan off the heat.

When the buds are cool, pack them into a clean jar.

The buds may be sprinkled on roasted butternut squash or other Fall root vegetables or used to season cream of Pumpkin Soup.

culinary lavender buds
Roast no more than 1 cup of lavender buds at a time.
Roasted Lavender Buds
Heat the buds on high heat for one minute until they are evenly roasted.