Wild Woman Tea Blends for Divine Feminine Health July

Wild Woman Tea Blends
for Divine Feminine Health
Sunday, July 11th 1:00pm
Sustainer Rate: $45 sustains all
Supporter Rate:  $40 with code SUPPORT
      Community rate: $35 with code COMMUNITY at checkout
Limited to 12 people

Tap into your intuitive witchy wisdom in a meditation and plant medicine making journey. Learn about the history of menstruum making and how to work with herbs specifically beneficial for women’s health. We will discuss our desires and challenges as women and herbs that can become supportive allies for learning to relax, finding focus, hormonal and menopausal balancing, boosting our vitality, connecting to our heart center and deeper purpose and more. We will meditate in the garden and discuss practices for honoring our powerful wellbeing as divine creators. Each participant will leave with their own Wild Woman Tea blend and tools of empowerment.

Harvesting Tulsi Basil


Katie O’Neill believes that the right tools and wellness practices are what is most needed for our evolution into this new paradigm. Katie is an artist, a floral designer, an Herbalist, Flower Essence guide, and student of Medical Astrology specializing in rituals from her lineage of Celtic traditions. Her love of exploration assists in her creative process to capture ancestral nostalgia and a spiritual essence in her work. Katie hopes to empower women and men by holding space to reconnect in community and to our individual divine nature as creators. By being close to nature she believes we have the ability to strengthen our own intuitions. Katie grew up at the shore and in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, studied ancient Crafts and Cultural Anthropology at UArts in Philadelphia and currently calls Pennsylvania her home and discovery playground. She is available for private consults.