Cacao/Fire Ceremonial Circle & Sound Bath – Sept & October


Saturday, Sept 14th

Sunday, Oct. 13th

Time: 1pm



Cacao has the power to let healing energy move throughout our bodies, opening up the heart’s center. In this ceremony, we will utilize the advantages of cacao to open ourselves up to the forces that guide us, and, while we are open, allow the powerful cleansing energies of meditation and sound healing to enter and flow through you.

Join Leslee Penny as she takes you through a journey of spiritual release, de-stressing, healing, and letting go of what no longer serves you. Moments like these are much needed during these times, where we can share and connect with others (safely!) and bring ourselves back to a healthy, tranquil state.

Leslee will begin the session teaching breathwork techniques, utilizing them in a guided meditation. The meditation will be followed by a full-body resonant sound healing. Leslee’s collection of sound healing instruments, acquired over the years, includes a large 38-inch Earth gong – which has been said to send resonance from your head to your feet!

We guarantee a day of relaxation and fun! You’ll leave feeling refreshed with a sense of clarity and community, emanating peace and love.

Sound healing in tent
Fully immerse in the Sound Healing vibration within our 26′ tent furnished with rugs and air mattresses!

Please bring comfortable clothing and something to lie down on!

OPTIONAL things to bring:

– A blanket to cover yourself
– Padding for head
– Sleep mask
– Additional padding if needed!

The Cacao Fire Ceremony

is preceded by

Past Life Regression and Sound Healing

(Please Book Separately)

Time: 10:30am – 11:30am


Come join Leslee Penny on a journey to another lifetime. She will bring you to a hypnotic state through guided meditation to see what previous lives your soul has experienced. Leslee will help you to create a bridge that will connect you to your higher self and/or your guardians, allowing you, in this lifetime, to regain your own original power. Past life regressions are known to help people deal with negativity, anxiety and blocks in their life.
Please bring comfortable clothing and a mat to lie on.

The regression meditation is followed by a Sound Healing Session.

thing to lie down on.


Leslee Penny

Leslee Penny is a shaman practitioner who is certified in a plethora of healing modalities. She has been working with Eastern philosophy for over 35 years, and brings her certifications of breathwork, meditation, martial arts, Tai Chi, hypnosis, life coaching, and sound healing into each of the workshops that she makes, allowing each one to be an enriching experience of the mind, body, and spirit. Her classes have made appearances at various yoga festivals, private healings, clinics, yoga studios, and the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art. Her Tibetan singing bowl/gong healing workshops deliver hypnotically rejuvenating sound. She will transport you to a place of tranquility so your cells can renew in a bath of healing vibration.