Space Within: EFT Tapping for Stress Reduction and Self-Regulation – October


Saturday, October 12th

Time: 10am – 2pm


EFT Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey as you delve into the simple and safe yet powerful techniques of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), commonly referred to as Tapping. This workshop is designed to equip you with valuable skills to navigate and effectively manage the challenges of daily stress and overwhelm.

Immerse yourself in a day of rest and relaxation on Mad Lavender Farm while gaining practical insights into the art of Tapping. Through guided sessions and hands-on learning, empower yourself with a sustainable toolkit for cultivating resilience and emotional balance in the face of life’s demands. Join us on this journey towards improved well-being, where you’ll uncover how EFT can aid mindfulness and self-regulation while navigating the complexities of modern life.

Please bring a bag lunch to enjoy on the farm when we take a midday break.

Baby goat petting on Mad Lavender Farm

We will wrap up our workshop with a complimentary baby goat petting session!


Bruce Whittemore

Bruce Whittemore and Victoria Cali, certified EFT practitioners

Bruce is a Holistic Recovery Coach, EFT Certified Practitioner and offers Matrix Re-imprinting and Parts Work as part of his practice. His passion is assisting people in recovery to transform their lives by addressing their limiting life beliefs and helping them transform unhealthy repetitive compulsive behaviors by offering a safe container to explore what is underneath. Working with clients on self-awareness, embodiment, curiosity, and compassion to move into a place of peace and contentment. Bruce draws on his life experience with over thirty years in active recovery helping others to re-frame how they see themselves and their recovery journey. Bruce also works with men on relationship and sexual issues as well as helping them connect to their emotions and body so that they can live a wholehearted fulfilling life.  Bruce has an MBA and has also had a successful traditional business career for over 30 years.

Victoria Cali

Victoria is a Holistic Embodiment Coach who brings a trauma-informed, heart-centered and polyvagal-based approach to her work with individuals and groups. She is a certified EFT practitioner who integrates Parts Work at the core of her practice. With safety as her guiding principle, she holds a wide container for her clients to tune-in and explore their inner landscape with curiosity, patience, and compassion. Dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey of Recovery, she skillfully offers a safe space as they reclaim connection with themselves and cultivate a life that is rooted in authenticity, aligned action and integrity. As an artist she nurtures a deepening somatic awareness through the felt-sense and supports the homecoming of embodiment through the slow and safe container of the practice. Drawing from her training in a range of modalities, she has developed an intuitive approach combined with evidence-based strategies to support clients as they forge their path of self-discovery and Self-led