T.R.E. for the Creative Process

Day: Sunday, June 1st
Time: 1pm -4pm
Cost: $90/pp

$90 – Share the Abundance – Paying full price helps to subsidize and support those that may not have the means at this time.

$80- Essential – Paying this price is in line with my financial integrity. Please use coupon code TRE10

$70 – Basic – Paying this price is what feels right for me and my financial situation. Please use coupon code TRE20


T.R.E. ( Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) for the Creative Process explores how this amazing embodiment technique relates to creativity and deeper flow states of creative exploration. Creative Visualization, free writing, improvisation and movement will all be explored in this deep dive into the artistic process and the natural tremor release mechanism in the body. Please bring a journal and pen to class.
This class is for anyone interested in exploring the creative process as it relates to embodiment  and the T.R.E. process.
T.R.E. (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises) designed by Dr. David Berceli, induces the natural tremor mechanism in the body to release daily stress and deeper layers of trauma and PTSD.  As a creative person, it might help to think of T.R.E. as a portal; an opening or opportunity for a calmer, more centered and regulated nervous system.  You do not have to be a visual artist to take this class. You can be a writer, actress,  musician, chef, creative thinker , curious human etc… Prior T.R.E. experience is helpful but not required.
T.R.E.  allows the body to drop into a flow state in the same way that creativity  does. The tremors emerge spontaneously and follow their own path when we let our mind and urge to control get out of the way . A flow state is not created consciously,  rather one must produce the conditions for the flow state to arise. We go into the body to feel, release, strengthen and create anew.
We will  explore connections between T.R.E. , journaling and improvisational performance as they relate to creating from the present moment and a deeper more embodied flow state . Books/creative examples and brief lectures will be included.


Nicole Strafaci
Nicole Strafaci, artist & TRE Provider

Nicole Strafaci is a certified T.R.E. Provider and a working artist . She creates in a variety of mediums including collage, painting, fiber arts and performance. Nicole has exhibited her work internationally in many group and solo exhibitions for the past 30 years. She has sought a connection between her art and embodied states for as long as she can remember, studying at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, working as a professional artists model  for 16 years and performing improvisational pieces for the stage. She has additional trainings in Reike and Hypnosis as well as a B.F.A. in photography. Most recently, Nicole has been combining embodied states into art classes and has taught at  a variety of locations including ArtYard in Frenchtown NJ and the Newark Museum  and is very excited to be combining TRE and creativity; two things that have enriched her life in countless ways.