I like my coffee super light in the morning: half coffee and half hot milk. It’s my “At Home Latte”. I use good quality organic, fair trade coffee and I make it in the French press. While the coffee is brewing, I heat up the milk in a small saucepan, using a whisk to keep it from scorching and to give it a little latte foam.
That’s my morning ritual. After I’ve milked the goats. So, not only have I earned a great cup of At Home Latte, but the milk is the best milk on the planet. But you can just use any good organic milk.
If I want to elevate my experience to a truly sublime cuppa, it’s easy to just sprinkle in a teaspoon of culinary lavender buds and add a spot of vanilla extract.

It’s a good idea to whisk the buds into the milk to blend them in and foam the milk a bit.

Next set a small strainer over your cup of hot coffee and pour the lavender infused hot milk straight into your cup. I like to push out as much liquid as I can before I toss the used buds into the compost.

If you want to make enough for several cups, you could strain the hot milk into a thermos or Airpot and allow guests to serve themselves with as much hot lavender milk as they like.
I served Lavender Latte recently with an Apple Galette and it was a divine combination.