Ava is one of those women who seems to have the secret to eternal youth. She has the energy of a teenager and the enthusiasm of a child with a ticket to Disneyland. Only Ava does not keep her secret very well. She shares it openly that it is her spirituality that is the source of all her glow and gusto.
When Ava Marino came to Mad Lavender Farm in 2015 to teach our first season of goat yoga she set the gold standard for goat yoga on our farm. Every single person who arrives is warmly welcomed and introduced to the amenities available to them. She makes sure that she is aware of everybody’s skill level in yoga and if there are birthdays being celebrated, she recognizes them in a special way. Ava knows that the real stars of the show are the goats. The goats provide the laughs and the love and she insures that all of our guests have ample interaction with them. And lots of photos! Private Goat Yoga Parties and Bachelorette Parties are Ava’s forte and our guests always have a truly unforgettable experience.
I feel so lucky to know Ava and have the benefit of her inimitable energy, warmth and intelligence to help grow our venue. There is nobody like Ava. Fortunately, her methods and standards are eminently teachable – and so that’s the way we do Goat Yoga on Mad Lavender Farm!