Mad Lavender Farm is a “build it and they will come” kind of place. We knew we had a gem of a farm in a great location and we knew we wanted to also grow a community of spiritually minded people. The magic is in discovering who will come.
Leslee Penny came to visit the farm in 2019. It was a casual visit without an agenda other than a curiosity she had about farms in this area. She introduced herself and as we chatted, our common interests became apparent. Leslee felt an energy about Mad Lavender Farm that we hear about quite often; that there is a feeling of peace and serenity and that this is a special place. We are located at a particularly high altitude geographically on a road that was a Lenni Lenape trail and the indigenous people surely must have been drawn to the natural springs that are in proximity to our land. (Imagine a time before the concept of “private property” when the abundance of the earth was accessible to all, revered and respected by humans).
Leslee was clear that she wanted to be connected to our farm and hoped that we would be open to hosting her offerings in spiritual practice. A little bit about Leslee: as a teenager she trained in martial arts, meditation and Eastern philosophy and became proficient in Taekwondo. Eventually married and happily settled with a family, Leslee was in a severe car accident resulting in a near-death experience that rocked her world. She saw that illnesses like cancer were rife in her family and friends and Leslee found herself looking to alternative medicine for ways to heal all the hurt she saw around her and within. She resumed her training, taking a deeper dive into Eastern and indigenous medicine and other healing modalities.
Twenty years later, Leslee in an instructor for Sound Healing Meditation, Tai Chi and hypnosis. Affectionately known as Shaman Birdy, she works as a shamanic practitioner, bringing her knowledge of all these disciplines to her workshops. She now devotes herself to spiritually helping others heal their pain, find their true self and take their life in the direction they were meant to go.
We are truly blessed to have Leslee Penny at Mad Lavender Farm. Check out her workshops and events under Spiritual Practices on our calendar. Coming up on Saturday June 5th is her Cacao Fire Ceremony as well as her Shamanic Prayer Arrow Ceremony. We are doubly blessed to partner with both Clean Plate Kitchen and Leslee Penny on the evening of Saturday, June 19th for a Sound Bath & Farm Dinner. The ticket includes a vegetarian dinner from Clean Plate, followed by a Sound Healing by Leslee Penny in the tipi. Not to be missed!